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"Where words leave off, music begins." - Heinrich Heine

Daan Manneke

Daan Manneke is also known as the 'Chapel master of space'. A fitting name, since this concept plays a major role in the music of this composer, who was born in Zeeland. We do not only find the openness of the islands of Zeeland in the series of Archipel-compositions, he also plays with the spatial effects of his music. Besides, Manneke considers space as a religious symbol and he consciously lifts the boundary between sacred and secular music in his compositions. The same goes for temporal space. Just like his 'godfather' Stravinsky, Manneke has a passion for music from the past. He draws from numerous sources, varying from complex composition techniques from the Middle Ages and Renaissance tot the still monophony of the Gregorian chant and the Genevan Psalter, everything combined with the musical achievements of the 20th century. The combination of all these elements provides Manneke's music with its unique sound and colour, with which he takes up a prominent position in the Dutch musical life.

Featured on

Johann Sebastian Bach, Daan Manneke
Goldberg Variations
Hannes Minnaar